Neurofeedback and Sleep

 “It is estimated that 50 to 70 million Americans chronically suffer from a disorder of sleep and wakefulness, hindering daily functioning and adversely affecting health and longevity. The cumulative long-term effects of sleep deprivation and sleep disorders have been associated with a wide range of deleterious health consequences including an increased risk of hypertension, diabetes, obesity, depression, heart attack, and stroke.”

Sleep is one of the first things to improve with neurofeedback, however there are many variables to consider with sleep. Neurofeedback cannot change underlying conditions such as sleep apnea, thyroid/hormonal imbalances, Lyme disease, chronic toxic exposure, and other medical conditions. Medical or alternative treatment may be necessary so the benefits of neurofeedback are lasting. 

Neurofeedback is very effective at helping the brain learn repeat desired patterns for improved sleep. Here are examples of how we view at sleep issues:

  • Sleep onset: Getting to sleep can be challenging when the brain is stuck in the fast zone and cannot shift gears to relax. 
  • Sleep retention: Staying asleep can be difficult if the brain is stuck on low gear. This is counterintuitive. We waken before slowing threatens survival.
  • Restless sleep: Sometimes our survival brain gets stuck processing stressful information from the day and we have a hard time shifting gears so we can relax and settle into restful sleep.
  • Oversleeping: Sleeping too much can be an indicator of too much slow brainwave activity or a generally under-aroused brain state.
  • Ongoing toxic exposure, shift-work, time zone/jet lag, and other lifestyle factors are taken into consideration in the evaluation process. These can all negatively impact sleep cycles.
  • Neurofeedback protocols teach the brain to self-regulate – no energy comes into the brain. The process is safe, painless, and shameless. The brain learns to replicate learned improvements and the results are lasting.
  • Dr. Buck has extensive professional experience and helps normalize brain training, empowering clients to engage their own internal healing abilities.
  • We don’t need to diagnose, pathologize, or stigmatize your situation. Just like physical training with support from a personal trainer, we do personalized brain training.