Neurofeedback and Addictions

No child aspires to be enslaved to addiction when they grow up. Although addiction is complex, neurologically we know that addiction is simply the brain over-developing its pathways and neurochemical changes for the purpose of survival.

  • One of the largest randomized controlled studies in the field of neurofeedback, conducted through UCLA, resulted in neurofeedback subjects:
    • Having 77% sobriety rate with neurofeedback as compared to 44% for control subjects;
    • Staying in treatment 1½ times longer
    • Coming out of 7 of 10 clinical ranges on the MMPI (indicating recovery from co-occurring mental health disorders).
  • fMRI research shows the safe/secure brain state (default mode/state network) comes back online with use of neurofeedback. This relates to the neural-network associated with addictions.
  • Protocols teach the brain to self-regulate – no energy comes into the brain. The process is safe, painless, and shameless. It’s a brain workout with lasting results.
  • The brain recognizes safety in numbers, satisfying the “herding instinct,” so local ongoing group recovery activities are important for people to engage in along with neurofeedback.
  • Dr. Buck has professional experience working with all types of addictions since 1991. She helps normalize the recovery process, empowering clients with their own internal healing abilities.
  • The pathways of addiction and trauma are similar. Without neurofeedback, many people in early recovery struggle due to haunting memories from the past. The process of stabilization does not result in unnecessary re-traumatization. 
  • Symptom reduction is typically noticeable within only 5 to 8 sessions.
  • Dr. Buck is an Amen Clinic Certified Brain Health Coach offers coaching services for individuals wanting a whole person approach to recovery. Ask Dr. Buck about coaching packages.